Getting rid of duplicate items in a multidimensional array

I’m having trouble going through a multidimensional array and weeding out duplicate items. For instance, here is some simple code:

var arr1:Array=new Array(1,2,3)
var arr2:Array=new Array(2,3,4)
var arr3:Array=new Array(arr1,arr2)
var arr4:Array=new Array(1,2,3)
function isDuplicate(item:*, index:int, array:Array):Boolean{
 return (arr4==item)
trace(arr3.some(isDuplicate))//traces FALSE

Is there an error in my logic? Or programming? Or is there a different way I would have to go about comparing array items than the array.some() method? My only other idea is to use a loop to go over every item individually in the nested array; is this the right track?