Getting variables out of a For loop!

hi people!

i’m trying to use a for loop to generate for me a set of vars, but it’s not really working out. =.=.

I’m loading the image file names from a xml, and i want that the for loop create vars like “fotoToLoad0, fotoToLoad1 …” and load the filename within.

I guessed i had to use the eval command, but as far as my ignorance sees it, when it is used, the eval makes a variable reffer to another and not fill it’s value. (I guess i’m wrong thou).

Here’s what i’ve tried so far:

	for (i=0; i< totalNodes; i++){
	var fotoEnd = imagesXML.firstChild.childNodes*.firstChild.firstChild;
	var fotoTemp = eval ('fotoToLoad'+i);
	fotoTemp = fotoEnd;

That’s quite not working thou =(. If i try used 'fotoToLoad1" for example, in a text box it just returns undefined =(.

Thanks in advance!