

I am trying to user getURL with a question mark in it…

ie getURL(“default.html?something_here=1”);

but it ignores everything after the question mark.

Anyone know a way to pass this in AS2?




if that doesn’t work, I believe if you replace the getURL with this, you can acheive the same thing

var myLV:LoadVars = new LoadVars();
myLV.send("", "_blank");
//also try:
//myLV.send("", "_blank", "GET");

Your code was probably not working because…

i assume you are using the “?” for the server… right ?
in this case you have to give the full absolute URL. ie: from http…

and just use the second parameter for getURL too… linke…"_blank"
it will work just fine…


Yes I am using the ? to set a variable on the page a value.

creatify, your method works so thank you!

I will also play with your method sparkdemon but the relative method works :wink:
