Giant picture chain!

Give us clue by telling us how many there are.

LOL good work !

There are 4 changes made!

I know maybe others should do something with the picture before I do something again, but I’m bored and I keep adding stuff to it^^

Well, there we go…
I thought it was about time to pimp that train a bit!:beam:

Im not sure if its good or not good enough, so please tell me!:goatee:

that looks very nice bokke:D

Good additions! :thumb:

:smiley: nice work bokke

Thanks guys ! :pleased:

have anyone noticed the strip bar in the right background?:stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah, I noticed the neon signs right away. Good work!

now you see him, now you don’t.


LOL i had posted one but then saw you say someone say…

Try keep it realistic èh ? :wink:

so i took it off…


:slight_smile: you don’t HAVE to- but try ur best to make it realistic :slight_smile:

well i suppose i did it so here it is… :}

i had to do it quickly so the boss wouldnt catch me doing it :look:

Getting tired of the red.

^ Sorry, we must of been working at the same time.

/\ coolio :wink:

yours is (i little) more realistic, so we should carry on from yours :thumb2:

Thanks, Cleaned it up a bit

this is starting to get real nice!
Canis: did you just play with the Hue?
I can see the sky has changed a bit and the strip bar sign has also got a purple’ish colour to it.