Giant picture chain!

Actually my PS instructor in college forbad us from using the “hue” adjustment layer.

Here is what I did for the jacket. (and it is real cool). (I am on CS2)

  1. I locked the transparency on the layer I wanted to adjust any color.
    // very important to do this.
    // actually the first step was to copy the background layer and work with the copy. (hid the original background)
  2. Selected the brush tool (b)
  3. Changed the mode from normal to color
  4. Selected the color I wanted from the palette and lowered the Sat
  5. Brushed the color I wanted onto the jacket.

Here is what I did to change the color on the bus.

  1. copy background layer, yatta yatta yatta.
  2. image-> adjustments -> Replace Color
  3. Clicked on the red on the bus
  4. Kept adding until I got all of the red
  5. Adjusted the sliders until I got what I wanted.

The sky change was a little on the nubish side but it wasn’t too detailed so i went with it.

I first attempted to do a select -> color range, but it wasn’t working well.

So I did a magic wand (I know, I know but it came out okay), and deleted the sky.

I brought the new sky in and simply dropped it in behind the layer.

(Actually I believe ctrl+shift+v would of worked also)

Wow, 4 posts in a row. Did anyone say “spammer”? :}

Geez! SpammeR… you better shut up for a while. Getting tired of reading CanisMajor everywhere^^

CanisMajor- try and edit ur post to include the info-instead of double, triple or quadruple posting :wink:

I see you what are you saying.

It was not clear which change he was asking about so I decided to divide the post up per each change so it would be more understandable.

I hate those looooong posts that you quit reading before the end, or you just jump to the end. No one wants a novel, I don’t think.

No harm done, so I will think about converging the next time if this really bothers people.


haha, it is hard after a triple latte. :hair:

^ there’s another double-

Well another thing is the fact that you will be increasing ur post count :wink:
It’s just common etiquette

Well, I was answering two different posts.

But again, if it is going to hurt your feelings or you are afraid my post count my get too high, I will try not to do it.

I didn’t know there was a post count competetion. :cross-eye


I just got back from re-reading the forum rules and I couldn’t find anything about answering multiple questions with multiple posts.
I could not find anything about a post count concern or competition.

Dark, if there is something in the rules I missed please educate me because I do not want to break any rules or make anyone mad, or hurt anyone feelings.

If you go back through my posts you will see that I am always trying to help others and I even wrote a tutorial.


LoL:D its okey canis!
But why wont we just go back to topic for a while eh?

@ canis ROFL - I don’t mind one bit- but mods sure do!

There most certainly is no competition, and generally it’s viewed as irrelevant. However, it prevents people from scrolling through pages of double posting, and has more content per page. :slight_smile:


So dark is not an admin?

Geez, why did I bother.

Okay, back to the picture.

People with bolded names are admins. :wink:

:slight_smile: nokky you should join in already!


You honestly think even I would let my entry pass validation? :lol:

:stuck_out_tongue: come on- :stuck_out_tongue: join

Maybe tomorrow…