Actually my PS instructor in college forbad us from using the “hue” adjustment layer.
Here is what I did for the jacket. (and it is real cool). (I am on CS2)
I locked the transparency on the layer I wanted to adjust any color.
// very important to do this.
// actually the first step was to copy the background layer and work with the copy. (hid the original background)
Selected the brush tool (b)
Changed the mode from normal to color
Selected the color I wanted from the palette and lowered the Sat
But again, if it is going to hurt your feelings or you are afraid my post count my get too high, I will try not to do it.
I didn’t know there was a post count competetion. :cross-eye
I just got back from re-reading the forum rules and I couldn’t find anything about answering multiple questions with multiple posts.
I could not find anything about a post count concern or competition.
Dark, if there is something in the rules I missed please educate me because I do not want to break any rules or make anyone mad, or hurt anyone feelings.
If you go back through my posts you will see that I am always trying to help others and I even wrote a tutorial.
There most certainly is no competition, and generally it’s viewed as irrelevant. However, it prevents people from scrolling through pages of double posting, and has more content per page.