I just had an idea, it’ll be up in a sec.
Tada! Who knew you could use a bridge as a launchpad?
Slim Pickens rides again!!
Unfortunately sniper kitty has another plan for Slim Pickens.
counter attack from the man on the “ship”
Hitchin’ a ride.
Me-ow, go cowboy kitteh!! (lol lame edit but meh)
oh no, its king kong!
oh no, its king henry viii
Buildingz on Fia!
Monkey saves the day.
^ LOL! Niceeee
How in the hell did you edit that fire out?
he used the picture b4 it, then added smoke
:lol: That’s genius. Either you’re really smart or I’m really, really dumb. Or both.
i think its the former, but i spent the last month making a game that earned me 3 bucks, so most likely a lil of both
Haha I’m still laughing that I wasn’t able to figure that out.
:lol: that def made my day right there… I had to do a double-take (“Did he really ask that?”)
:lol: Everybody laugh at me.