Hi, for over a week know i’ve tryed to figure out how to make a gif counter that i can use. i searched for tutorials and codes. but with no luck.
i tried to sign-up for free at http://www.okcounter.com
but it’s dead. and i want to use counters that he made. this is why i start to search for the code.
i know his code is this
< !--- Free Counter Code Begin --->
<p align="center">< img
border=0>< !--- Free Counter Code End --->
but each individual gets there own id code.
so the question is how does one do this? I would like to make my own.!
It’s not the wrong thread, coz you need server side scripting (php, asp,…) to save the number of hits/counts either into a database or textfile.
The free service used a unique ID for each person signed up to increment individual counters; if you have a host with php, you could do that yourself with a simple textfile, or even more than one if you want to track different pages.
I don’t know how to do that with gifs, must be easy to, but attached you’ll find a full example if a click counter using Flash, PHP and simple text files (which you’ll need to chmod on your server to make them writable!)