Alright, so I have an idea for a good roll over, but when the user rolls out, I dont want it to go to square one, but rather do an animation that takes it back, making it fluid.
Any help? =)
Alright, so I have an idea for a good roll over, but when the user rolls out, I dont want it to go to square one, but rather do an animation that takes it back, making it fluid.
Any help? =)
Check it dude,
1.Make an actions layer inside your button movieClip.
2.In the actionscript inspector for that first frame type stop();
3.Animate your rollover on your timeline inside the button MC.
4.ON THE MAIN TIMELINE put another actions layer in this one put the script:
your MC.onRollOut = function() {
if (this.enabled) {
this.onEnterFrame = function() {
your MC.onRollOver = function() {
if (this.enabled) {
this.onEnterFrame = function() {
I put your MC where you should put the instance name of your button.
This will play your movie forward onRollOver then backwards onRollOut.
Pretty sick huh?
I left the enabled disabled part for you to figure out. It’s easy, just remember to run a resetButtons after onRelease or they will stick.
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