Glitchy Submenu - Not working properly

I’ve run into a problem which is driving up the wall. With my little AS experience I was determined to figure it out on my own but my head might just implode on itself if I try any more. So it looks like I must call once more on your mighty intellect, whomever you may be.

I need a rollover menu which can support submenus as well. I successfully modified this tutorial to do what I want. It works perfectly with sub menus. However when I tried to apply it to my own project I cannot seem to achieve the same effect. I’ve looked over an over to make sure I have the same elements to duplicate the process and I think I may know what is causing the problem. My rollovers use the following code, taken from the Complex Button’s tutorial within Kirupa; the Rollover menu tutorial does not. It seems to be causing the MC within this MC to not function properly, including buttons and rollover effects.

[size=3]THE PROBLEM[/size]
The problem is with the rollover menu and submenu; they are not working properly. If I rollover the parent button it initiates the rollover but it automatically reveals the submenu as well and no matter what actions I assign they don’t seem to follow them. So if I roll over Ministries it reveals the submenus, but without rolling over the next button it reveals the next set of submenus and blinks incessantly. SWF attached in post #3.

The elements in the first set of submenus are not responding, i.e. a button with an Over effect won’t trigger. But when I remove that piece of code from the complex buttons tutorial from the Ministries button it seems to work but then I lose that rollover effect.

I can’t say for sure why which is exactly the reason why this is beyond me. If someone could help me out I would be a very happy camper.

There is also a weird bug with the randomize button, it doesn’t seem to do anything on some clicks, i’m not sure if it is just me or what…

Again, if you could help I would be most grateful.

[color=DarkRed]Attachment - MX 2004[/color]