Global scope gotcha - please help

Hi, I’m trying to set a global var within a LoadVars function and have it keep that value globally. In the following example, I define logStatus as a global variable and set it to “banana”, then within a function I set it to “orange”, then later outside the function its value is banana again. Why isn’t the global working here?

_global.logStatus = “banana”;

var getUser_lv:LoadVars = new LoadVars();

getUser_lv.onLoad = function(success:Boolean){
logStatus = “orange”;
trace("logStatus in function is: "+logStatus);

      logStatus = "apple";
      trace("logStatus in function is: "+logStatus);


trace("logStatus after function is: "+logStatus);

The above example gives the following trace output:
logStatus after function is: banana
logStatus in function is: orange

You help would be appreciated.
