Global variables

I have a classic slideshow type of project.
I have an MC with 20 thumbs that go to the larger immage. Because of the file size I broke up the project into various swf. So on release of any thumb button I call the slideshow.swf in an empty MC. So far so good.

Of course I need each thumb butt to go to the relative immage. I was thinking to create a global variable / array with all the 20 buttons.

I simply dont know the correct syntax for it.

On the same stage I have also the main menu that load swf into level0 or emptymovie clip. So an user may get to the page with the slideshow thumbs many either on root that on clip level. There are reason why I did it this way namely cause the deisgn of the first interface is different from the following subsections where the menu is by the sideā€¦(donk ask me why)
Just mention this in case it may effect the script infact I would like to learn GLOBAL so there wont be confusion of levels.

I think I cannot use the lockRoot in FlashMX (or am I wrong?)

Hope I explain myself.

Many thanx in advance!