So i’ve been waiting on the domain name ‘’ to become available. For a while its status was ‘redemption period’, it then turned to ‘pending delete’ today. I went away to play halo and when I got back, it finally was deleted. It was available for registration. So I proceed to register it, purchasing with credit card (this is the first thing my mum has bought online with a credit card), and all goes well.
BUT. I get an email with an error message (after receiving emails of confirmation). It cant register because its already registered. God dmn. So I look it up with, and the status has gone BACK to pending delete. What. The. Hll!?
I check my account- no domain names to manage. I check my purchase history. Sure enough, the domain is right there in the receipt. I wouldn’t be able to register it without it having been already deleted, and im POSITIVE I didnt back order it. What is going on?