[FONT=Courier New][SIZE=2]please help - i’m going mad on this
I’ve gotten my dock to scale exactly as i want it to - going from 55% of it’s size up to 100% and then back down to 55% but i just can’t get the positioning right no matter what i do
here is my onMouseMove code that does the scaling - i’ve commented out my aborted attempts to do the positioning
i really need help - it’s 11.15 and i’m at a loss
mcScrollingIconContainer["clip"+i].onMouseMove = function():Void
var thisXmouse = Math.round(this._xmouse);
var nIconSpan:Number = Math.round(ref.nIconWidth*5);
var nXPercent:Number = Math.round((thisXmouse/nIconSpan) *100);
if (thisXmouse < nIconSpan && -1*thisXmouse < nIconSpan)
var nWidth:Number = ref.nIconWidth + ref.nIconSpacing;
var nPercent:Number = Math.round((thisXmouse < 0) ? (thisXmouse/nIconSpan) *-100 : (thisXmouse/nIconSpan) *100);
nPercent = 100 - nPercent;
if (nPercent > 55)
this._yscale = this._xscale = nPercent;
} else {
this._yscale = this._xscale = 55;
//if (nXPercent > -45 && nXPercent < 45)
//var nMoveToX:Number = this.thisX*((nXPercent/100)+1);
//trace(this.thisX + " :: " + nMoveToX);
//this._x = nMoveToX;
//} else if (nXPercent > 45) {
//this._x = this.thisX * nXPercent;
} else {
this._yscale = this._xscale = 55;
//this._x = this.thisX;