Gondor Gaming Challenge (contest with prizes)

sorry if i offended the rules i am in a big hurry and had little time to read them

(full contest info here: http://www.gamesofgondor.com/contest.html)

Gondor Gaming Challenge

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:::Hello People of the helpful site Kirupa.com .

<o:p> </o:p>

I’m checking in to let you know that all of you have been invited to participate in the Gondor Gaming Challenge.

<o:p> </o:p>

The (GGC) Gondor Gaming Challenge is a new fresh flash contest brought to you by

Games of Gondor .com .

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:::What is it about?

<o:p> </o:p>

The GGC contest is themed in the LoTR spirit and refers to that period of history that has all been lost. A history when Knights ruled, Dragons were the biggest fear, and hobbits looked to save the world. Your goal is to construct a flash game/movie in that spirit.

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:::So what do I have to do?

<o:p> </o:p>

Make and apply a flash game and/or movie in that spirit. Make sure the game has a GoG logo linking to GamesofGondor.com somewhere visible on that submission. The due date is <st1:date year=“2005” day=“31” month=“4”>April 31st 2005</st1:date>.

Mail us your name and a link to your submission, and you’re in. gamechallenge@gamesofgondor.com

(logo available here: http://www.gamesofgondor.com/images/Gondor175x27.jpg)<o:p></o:p>

(contest rules here: http://www.gamesofgondor.com/contest.html)

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:::Is there a submission limit?

<o:p> </o:p>

Not at all, submit as many entries as you want, increase your chances of winning!

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:::Why should I take part in this contest?

<o:p> </o:p>

Well, three major reasons:

<!–[if !supportLists]–>1)[font=&quot] [/font]<!–[endif]–>Win Prizes!:

Staff’s favorite: Gaming contract!

First place: 400$

Second place: 300$

Third place: 200$

Forth place: 100$

Fifth to tenth place: a year of quality site hosting + domain

And be sure to tell all your friends, prizes go up by 1$ for every extra author!

<!–[if !supportLists]–>2)[font=&quot] [/font]<!–[endif]–>Get well known in the flashing business:

People participating in contests get connected and hooked up with many

important personals in the flashing business. Your game will also be featured on

Games of Gondor .com for no charge. Furthermore you will enjoy the full support

of Games of Gondor’s dedicated staff and personals.

<!–[if !supportLists]–>3)[font=&quot] [/font]<!–[endif]–>For plain fun! Games of Gondor naturally will not sell your game. Making flash game/movies is a fun thing to do!

<!–[if !supportLists]–>4)[font=&quot] [/font]<!–[endif]–>Participating in this contest gives you the option to be put in a

GoG collab! What is a GoG collab you ask? If you intend to make a minigame

and not something suitable for a whole submission you can just send the GoG

administration an email (to gamechallenge@gamesofgondor.com) with the topic

“collab” and your name and we will post your submission with 5 other minigames. Your score will be the score of that submission, and if it wins all authors will split the prize money. If you do not wish for your game to be in a collab with other authors, you have the option to make a couple of games, and submit yourself.

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:::Don’t try to fool me! What do you get out of this?

<o:p> </o:p>

For one thing we promote our site. We are hosting this contest in order to put Games of Gondor on the flash site map. For another we give you flashers encouragement to

produce quality flash which is something we want to see more of. Last but not least

we are looking for another Games of Gondor expert flasher for the staff (staff’s favorite submission will win a gaming contract).

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:::Are you really going to give out all this money for flashes?

<o:p> </o:p>


<o:p> </o:p>

:::I am a very good artist but I can’t get a decent pre-loader.

<o:p> </o:p>

That’s ok, The Games of Gondor staff has solved both of your problems.

Get the Games of Gondor Logo and Preloader right here:


mail us any further questions to: gamechallenge@gamesofgondor.com

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Benjamin Gruenbaum Daniel McNeely
GGC contest coordinator GoG CEO

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