i am going to get going. but I hope that everyone is safe, and nothing bad happens. i am being searous here.
i am going to get going. but I hope that everyone is safe, and nothing bad happens. i am being searous here.
g’nite have GOOD DREAMS:scream: :run:
please reduce your footer to the required size. I know you have been asked before.
Thanks, it makes the forum more fun for all.
Nighty~nite Alex…
…goodNight JohnBoy…
…goodNight JimBob…
…goodNight GrandPa
< cricketNoise>chrpCHRPchrpCHRP< /cricketNoise>
that would be a question for the Secret Council, if there were one…
another good reason…
edit by pj; Picture was too large lavaboy-
I’m trying to PM you, but your inbox is full
[edit]… oh… nevermind, I got it.
i go to bed too, night
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