Google Maps problem ! Initialization failed: please check the API key, swf location,

Hi all

I am using CS4 AS3. Google maps works fine when I ran it locally, but when I port my swf file to the domain ( I get the following error

Initialization failed: please check the API key,swf location, version and network availability.

I know that Google has depreciated Google Maps API for Flash and does not generate new APIs. But then again, how come it works locally???
Is it a proxy problem at ?
I even added map.url but no help.

Below is the code for reference. Any help would be appreciated.

[FONT=arial narrow]var map:Map = new Map();
map.url = “”;
map.key = “”;
map.sensor = “false”;
map.setSize(new Point(stage.stageWidth, stage.stageHeight));
map.addEventListener(MapEvent.MAP_READY, onMapReady);
map.width = 400;
map.height = 300;
map.y = 75;

function onMapReady(event:Event):void
map.setCenter(new LatLng(35.15447,33.37282), 14, MapType.NORMAL_MAP_TYPE);
map.addControl(new ZoomControl());