Hi guys,
I was wondering where to post this, so I thought of Kirupa after DP as we normally do not talk about SEO here. Google, as most of you know are now offering real-time search - other than news sites, Google is attempting to index sites daily, in seconds on some sites if you have feed everywhere - and in some cases hourly. It is pretty cool, and considering that they now have Twitter and other Social networks in their back pockets - they are placing twitter search results and twitter updates (tweets) in Google results.
I was on Facebook and saw liverpuncher.com, I wanted to go to the site so I right clicked with FireFox and pressed search with Google - they did not have a link - it was text - we all hate copying URL in the address bar these days…
What do you guys think? I think from a marketing prospective and for a user - getting real time results of things is fantastic. I am surprised they never did it before.