Got a new camera!

thanks for the info :slight_smile: (and yeah, iā€™ve got some experience of buying outside the UK, so Iā€™ll definitely look into all the extras etc! :))


I would recon a 4 - 5 mp cam for you. you can make good printout with 2 mp cams, but to be on the save side go for 3-4 mp. And a digital cam is more expensive than a film one. :wink:

Because you donā€™t want any fancy macro modes, night shot, long exposure, etc. you need to throw that away: the more silly functions a cam has, the more expensive it will be.

Iā€™m not saying that (other) functions are a no-no, but you certainly donā€™t want any additional stuff that you donā€™t use.

Look around for something that has (at least) 3x optical zoom. The optical zoom is the real zoom the lens has, donā€™t look at the digital zoom. You can do that on the computer.

For all future cam owners, look at You can read owner opinions (if the lcd is easely scratched, if the glass lens has good quality, if it handels allright, etc), has a great list of cams and itā€™s features and you can lay them side-by-syde for comparison.

And donā€™t be afraid to step in a photo shop ( not your average wall-mart digital section) and ask questions. They are proffesionals (unlike me) and can give you more advice than I ever will.

*Originally posted by [m] *
Could you give some more info? Because the way I look at it now, you donā€™t need any digital camera.

Well, I need the camera to take pics for my site, but I think that my dad has a digital camera in his office, so Iā€™ll ask him if he can lend it to me :slight_smile:

*Originally posted by Niann *
**Although I am gonna stick to my film camera for nowā€¦ I have yet to see a digital camera for a resonable price that can take pics like my SLR can. =)

-Niann **
Reasonable? Depends on what you call reasonable.

If i had the money, I would go for the nikon D100. :love: A dSLR!

*Originally posted by Lynx *
**Well, I need the camera to take pics for my site, but I think that my dad has a digital camera in his office, so Iā€™ll ask him if he can lend it to me :slight_smile: **
Thatā€™s far better than buying one yourself! :wink:

I love my camera. Make movies all the time.

I bought my dad a powershot a70 for fathers day and killed two birds with one stone :slight_smile: He said he needed a digital camera and Iā€™ll use it for my site. I havenā€™t figured all the manual stuff out yet, thoughā€¦

Wellā€¦ Considering my SLR+Lens(es)+Filters was about $1000.00(US) Then around that would be reasonable, if I get a 300mm lens with the deal. :slight_smile:
