Got a new camera!

I got a new camera this past week, Nikon 880, and I am
COMPLETELY IN LOVE with it. Here’s a few shots I took over the
weekend with it. Most are macros, but let me know what you
think -

congrats. and nice duct tape in “concrete”. duct tape rules!

those are really really nice pics man… awesome

wow yoo good at take foto

your cat is sooooooooo cute. love the blue eyes.

Your cat is cute and it has 4 legs. Those are the best kinds of cats.

You should do a picture like Edwin. Take like 8 pictures close to where you live and then piece them together.

Unflux, that looks really great! :beam:

Did you photoshop them? Or where they taken like that with special features in the camera?


owaw nice photos !

The camera is good.
May I ask how much did it cost ?

I want that camera!

me too
write noww i am with a sony cyber shot but i want a new oen

those are so amazing

Nice kitty. :slight_smile:

Got an camera too? Mine’s an Canon PowerShot A60, see a few pix here.

Nice pics.


I’m gonna buy a digital camera whilst I’m out in Malaysia - anyone got any advice one what’s hot/what’s not? good camera-makers/ones to avoid. essential features to look for? :slight_smile:

That depend on what you are looking for. If you only want a point-and-click thingy, or you want to experiment wiith it. Do you want to print your photos on let’s say, 20 x 30 prints?

Do you really need a digital cam? Because digital is more expensive than film, but you can adjust your photos.

some sites:

hm, I don’t care about the look, I don’t care about the size or anything about it, I just want to make good quality ~400x200px pictures (max 800x300px). What camera should I look for?

*Originally posted by [m] *
**That depend on what you are looking for. If you only want a point-and-click thingy, or you want to experiment wiith it. Do you want to print your photos on let’s say, 20 x 30 prints?

Do you really need a digital cam? Because digital is more expensive than film, but you can adjust your photos.**
more expensive? I have a photoquality inkjet… and photopaper really isnt very expensive compared to getting normal film processed. I do want something that’ll take high-quality shots (i’ll be doing both printing and pc-related stuff with the photos - so yes, digital), but the smaller the actual camera, the better.

just so you know, I’m a student, so, it can’t completely destroy the bank if possible :slight_smile:


Could you give some more info? Because the way I look at it now, you don’t need any digital camera.

Do remember that i advise, i will not look or search for you. You 'll have to do that.

Just remember Optical zoom is a lot better than digital zoom. Other than that Fuji, Cannon, Minolta, Kodak, and Olympis are good brands. If you are buying it over seas you may want to make sure the warrenty is good in the UK. I know camera stuff made for southeast Asia does not have a US warrenty most of the time. Just make sure you won’t get burned if something goes wrong.

Although I am gonna stick to my film camera for now… I have yet to see a digital camera for a resonable price that can take pics like my SLR can. =)
