Hey there everyone.
It worked quite nicely, still works great.
Sends to the correct email, etc. All the info formats well.
I even set up tabbing from field to field using tabIndex.
What’s odd comes in when you test the tabbing feature- a white box with a darker border, slightly transparent, shows up when you hit the tab key. If you click to another field, or the send button, it dissapears.
Now, I’ve looked through everything, and I can’t find this mysterious rectangle on any layer. I’ve double checked my file against the tutorial files, and everything is identical apart from the two additional fields.
I’m using Flash 8, and the export is Flash 8.
Now, before I show you, PLEASE don’t send any emails through the form. You shouldn’t need to to see the issue.
(Edited to remove link since issue’s been solved.) You can see the oddness by going here, and clicking to the “Contact” section.
Many thanks in advance for any thoughts! I’m puzzled!