Goto and Play won't take me where needed

hi, i have a flash animation which consits of images going up and down and text (done in cs4). it is for a website and i want the animation to continue playing where it left if the link on the page is changed (the animation is on every page) so i used this code:

var mySo:SharedObject;

mySo = SharedObject.getLocal(“lifebanner”);
if (>1) {

this.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onEnter);
function onEnter(e:Event):void { = currentFrame;


it works fine with the 1st 240 frames, where there’s 2 sets of text and 2 images. By works fine i mean if i switch it of and on again the animation doesn’t start over but continues from where i switched it off. Now my problem is that on frame 240 is another image going up and if i close the movie anywhere after 240 it still starts at 240.

I checked the it works fine (picks up the number of frame) but for some reason it doesn’t play it, just jumps back to 240.

Please help, Thanks.