I’m going insane!!!
All I want to do is go to frame 20 when the timer gets to zero. Instead, I go to a blank screen! I can replace “goToAndPlay” with “getURL” and it works (I go to the specified url) but, I want to go to frame 20! What in the world is wrong with this script?
Please help!
// This tells text field “sec2” to count down by subtracting one
set("/:sec2", (/:sec2-1));
// This states that if text field “sec2” is less than 0 then tell text field “sec1” to subtract one and add a nine in text field “sec2”, hence completeing the seconds countdown.
if (/:sec2<0) {
set("/:sec1", (/:sec1-1));
/:sec2 = “9”;
// This tells text field “min” to subtract one when text field “sec1” is less than zero, hence counting down the minutes then setting text fields “sec1” and “sec2” to 5 and 9 reseting the seconds
if (/:sec1<0) {
set("/:min", (/:min-1));
/:sec1 = “5”;
/:sec2 = “9”;
timeUp = (/:sec1 == 0) && (/:sec2 == 0);
if (timeUp) {
} else {