Okay, this is a reasonably basic sort of problem I think, one I could solve myself if I had the time which I don’t. Umm, I’m trying to figure out you trigger animations by links ect. Is that what GoToandPlay is used for? I’ve never actually figured out what you use gotoandplay for and have constructed reasonable flash sites without the need for it but now I’ve come to this hurdle.
So basically what I mean is, the user clicks on a button and an animation pops up somewhere. I don’t know how to do that…
and also, is there such thing as ‘unloading’ a movie clip? I mean, I know how to load in a movie clip to the stage, but how about code that can ‘unload’ the clip when a button is pressed or something, along with an animation of the movie clip closing.
If someone can help me with these problems I would appreciate it greatly.
Sam Norriss