How do I tell a specific movieClip to gotoandPlay when I’m in another movieClip? I have tried defining the paths and I can get anything but gotoandPlay to work. I’ve posted .fla’s to illustrate what I can’t get done.
Ok so I figured it out finally, with the help from a cousin of my brothers friend who is a programmer. LOL We took a different approach, but it works perfectly. I thought I’d post it in case anybody might need it.
on (press) {
on (release) {
*if (this._droptarget.indexOf("/square") >= 0) {
The reason I do a .indexOf("/square") … is because the actual value is probably something like content/square … but since i don’t know exactly what it is, this works.* Also, all that “” stuff didn’t ever seem to work for me, so I changed it to “this” … that way it is a relative object and it won’t matter what context it is in.