Hi, I am having trouble getting gotoAndPlay(variable) to work from a button within a movie clip, using a value loaded from an external text file at _root level;
The external text file values are a calendar of events and reference frames.
&e16=<b><font color="#FF6600">Event A
&e17=<b><font color="#FFFF00">Event B
I’m using 31 instances of movie clip “event” to display the variable monthly calendar of events, in each instance, defining values accordingly eg. for the 16th of that month, I have the following;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
The button within this movie clip is supposed to take you to the frame for that event;
on (release) {
but doesn’t seem to recognise the “frm” variable at the button action level (though it does pass the variable “evnt” successfully to the dynamic text field within the button).
I’ve tried everything I could find online to no avail. Is it even possible?