this is probably an easy one, but I just can’t work it out. Just followed a tutorial to build a drop down menu, which works perfectly. But I can’t make the buttons in the drop down menu jump to another scene!
Is it maybe because the buttons that have the action script are inside a movie clip(which they need to be to get the drop down effect!)?
Or is there a different action script for drop down buttons (I used: on (release) {GotoAndPlay(“Scene 2”,“1”)} )
Well for me, Ive never used scenes for the fact that a LOT of designers prefer to use external flash files to load sections w/ preloaders, therefore your flash site would be more modularized, may I suggest using actionscripting to goto a certain frame, or load movies, I’ve noticed a ton of ppl having problems with scenes lol, a few years ago i was playing with scenes, then realized theres a reasaon why the good designers barely use them
I’ll have to learn all this action scripting first! Does anyone know, whether there is a way to jump scenes from inside a movie clip. The main mc does not have any action script, so there shouldn’t be any interence.
I agree with Snypa|2 about the scenes. Anyway in your case use
on (release) {**_root.**GotoAndPlay(“Scene 2”,“1”)} as your button is inside a MC
and you want the root to move
I hope you know that in your gotoAndPlay(“Scene 2”,[color=red]“1”[/color]) \ the “1” involves that you have a frame somewhere in your second scene named 1. It’s not at all reffering to the first frame.
if you wanted to jump to first frame of somescene you put
gotoAndPlay(“somescene”,1); \ without the “”
Well, I’ve never used scenes but a work around your problem is
on (release) {_root.GotoAndPlay(“Last frame of scene one”)} where “Last frame of scene one” is the number of the last frame of scene 1. It will play through to the next scene.
I managed to get it working. Scene jumps don’t seem to work but jumping to an instance in a different scene works. Hurray. Thanks a lot again for all your input!