I have an interesting situation. I am trying to control the main movie on a stage with a button in a second movie on the main movie embedded in a scrollbox. I have created a class for the movie in the scroll box and one for the main movie. The main movie will perform gotoAndStop from the constructor. But it will not work in a public or static method located outside the constructor.
I am trying to get a button in the movie in the scroll box to communicate through the class for the main movie and move the playhead to a specific frame in the main movie.
Right now I have a button listener in the scroll box movie talking to a static method created in the class for the main movie. I can communicate to the static method. I push the button and a message is output through a trace. I know that communication is taking place.
The issue. I want to use a gotoAndStop in the static method to move the main movie to the specific frame. Flash tells me that this is a migration issue. That gotoAndStop is no longer supported.
If that is the case, what code has taken its place? I can’t find any reference to how to get this to work. Any suggestions?