i really think ur website is
simple, clean, and right to point!
alot of info and pictures, without any extra clicks!
btw(off topic) - graphic wise do u think gran turismo 4’, has better graphics than ‘need for speed underground’, cause the last game i mentioned has some crucial graphics:)
Yes, it does. It’ll set the benchmark. I’m working on a new section currently.
I’ll keep you posted.
really i should go look into it c wats goin on
Yeap, I have the latest information on my website.
lol with those quick replies thing looks more like a regular chat room, yah sorry i didn’t read the whole thing untill now, so far it seems very interesting, when i’m buyin a game grpahics is a big + for me, i can’t stand a game with low quality graphics, but this game is look as if it’s going to create some some serious damage in the gamin industry!
Yeap, let’s keep the talking down for now. I’ll talk to you on AIM or something later.
Anyways, I think I broke my own record 80 hits in aday.
Err, I don’t wonna be off-topic, the site is really great and all
But will Gran Turismo 4 be available for Xbox?
site is simple and nice, the game looks very good
*Originally posted by El_Thierro *
**Err, I don’t wonna be off-topic, the site is really great and all
But will Gran Turismo 4 be available for Xbox? **
Thanks for the awesome comments, guys!
Nope, not that I know of. Xbox = Project Gotham Racing 2.
*Originally posted by Sunny *
**Thanks for the awesome comments, guys!
Nope, not that I know of. Xbox = Project Gotham Racing 2.
Well, yeah, that’s…pretty good too. sighs again :-\
Cool, but the default dreamweaver flash buttons look bad :-/
*Originally posted by t3h t3rminator *
**Cool, but the default dreamweaver flash buttons look bad :-/ **
Yeah, but as I said I’m aiming for quality content first, then quality site.
Thanks Soulty, big update is coming around Christmas. The FAQ is almost done.