Graphics in actionScript

I was hoping someone could take look at this code and talk a bit about lines 6 through 11.
What is the relationship between those values and the elements? And how about those hex addresses?
Thanks for looking and this site rules!

1>function InitScene() {
2> createEmptyMovieClip(“Scene”, 1);
3> Scene._x = moviewidth/33;
4> Scene._y = movieheight/2;
5> make3Dobj(“surface”,
6>[[[100,100,50], [100,-820,50],
7[40,0,50]], >[[100,-100,50], [-100,8,50]],
8>[[-100,-100,50], [-100,100,50],
9>[0,0,50]], [[-100,100,50],
10>[100,100,50]]], 1, “0x000000”, 0,
11>“0xff0000”, 100);

14>/* Create a 3D object using the
15>parameters specified in function call.*/
16>function make3Dobj(objtype, pointarray,
17>lineweight, linecolour, linealpha,
18>fillcolour, fillalpha) {
19> obj =Scene.createEmptyMovieClip
20> (objtype + “_” + this[objtype + “s”],
21> lines+curves+surfaces);
22> obj.pointarray = pointarray;
23> obj.lineweight = lineweight;
24> obj.linecolour = linecolour;
25> obj.linealpha = linealpha;
26> obj.fillcolour = fillcolour;
27> obj.fillalpha = fillalpha;
28> this[objtype + “s”] ++;

The snippet was found @

they might be colors but they are memory address - and altering them doesn’t impact the surface’s color in anyway (I tried).

Cmon somebody wants to off on a diatribe about this particular aspect of 3d modelling.
Well I really want to read one anyway.