I need a graphic to house my flash movie. The flash movie is 700 x 400. If you have good photoshop skills, please PM me with links to your work and an email address. Also, please post here that you sent me an message, as I might not see my PM’s otherwise.
This job offer is in the low profile section for a reason. While it is a paying job, it doesn’t pay much. But all i need is 1 graphic and the psd file.
Thanks for the replies, but all I am looking for is
[]someone to PM me
[]show me specific examples of your work
[]give me your email address
[]if possible (although not a lot of details have been given) estimate a price [/LIST] Thanks for the reply everyone, but sparky I’d rather you just show me specific examples of your work, rather me dredging through numnerous html stuff.
Any link with a image ext: jpg, gif, png, psd. I don’t really want to browse through endless html pages to find something. I’m just looking to see some skills (ones that are better than mine). That is all.
I didn’t ask for my work to be judge. I’m asking to hire someone for some work. I have every right to ask to see examples to determine if you are competent… I am a programmer, if you want to see examples of my work, give you your domain name
hey foomonkey, all we wanted was to see some of ur work so we know what quality u are expecting and what kind of work we would have to do, thats all
and ur email? so i can send some stuff for u to see
haha lmao! didnt see ur edited post!