Graphics work needed


I need a graphic to house my flash movie. The flash movie is 700 x 400. If you have good photoshop skills, please PM me with links to your work and an email address. Also, please post here that you sent me an message, as I might not see my PM’s otherwise.

This job offer is in the low profile section for a reason. While it is a paying job, it doesn’t pay much. But all i need is 1 graphic and the psd file.

Thanks for your time.

i can prolly make yuou something, email me more about this thesparky007@gmail

Thanks…but I really would like to see some examples of your work first. Do you have any? PM them to me.

i have a deviant art
i am mostly a vector artist but can do some ps
how fast do u want this done?

:stuck_out_tongue: I’ll do it if sparky can’t but give it to him this time
:stuck_out_tongue: *go sparky one more post till 2k!

omg, i didnt notice!!! yay!! this is officially my 2000th post!
anyways, thanks dark for reminding me and not snatching my job j/k

with www it doesnt work for me…
it should be :wink:

Thanks for the replies, but all I am looking for is
[]someone to PM me
]show me specific examples of your work
[]give me your email address
]if possible (although not a lot of details have been given) estimate a price [/LIST] Thanks for the reply everyone, but sparky I’d rather you just show me specific examples of your work, rather me dredging through numnerous html stuff.

The job is still open.

ok, but i dont have a portfolio online yet, what kind of stuff do u want to see?

Any link with a image ext: jpg, gif, png, psd. I don’t really want to browse through endless html pages to find something. I’m just looking to see some skills (ones that are better than mine). That is all.


ok, lemme email you with some of my work, bu thow fast do u need this?
whats ur email btw?

hire sparky

foomonkey, can we see some of your work, so we can judge if we are better than you. :angel:

haha thanks bro
hey!!! dude we are brothers- dark and spark!!!
and foomonkey-like niraj said can we see some of ur work?

I didn’t ask for my work to be judge. I’m asking to hire someone for some work. I have every right to ask to see examples to determine if you are competent… I am a programmer, if you want to see examples of my work, give you your domain name :wink:

Job still open.

hey foomonkey, all we wanted was to see some of ur work so we know what quality u are expecting and what kind of work we would have to do, thats all
and ur email? so i can send some stuff for u to see
haha lmao! didnt see ur edited post!


You got a PM

That is fine…but I fealt attacked… I am not a designer (I can’t design my way out of a paper bag)…I script pretty well in AS and PHP.

Thank you for following my original request. This makes my life easier…I like that.

@sparky…yeah i do that. Sorry.

sorry if you felt attacked, atleast i wasnt trying to be mean
ok, PMed