Graphire 2 for sale

Hey all

I have a basically brand new graphire 2 I would be willing to sell. If you are interested repond to this thread. I will be will to sell it for like 60 bucks (U.S bucks). Or lower if it will really help someone. I just upgraded to one above this model and have no need for it. I have no idea how to arrange payment and shipping but we can work it out. If not it gets thrown in the box with my old spring loaded key boards and my old skool mac (L.I.S.A)

Is the Lisa for sale?

what exactly was lisa? like a dos kinda machine? if so…cool! if this thread was BEFORE Christmas then i would have been all over it…but sorry. i think Lost is looking for one…and at that price cant go wrong…

aah haa…you must a member of the old skool if you know about lisa. BUT nope she is not for sale it is like a antique. My very first computer I programmed on…(in BASIC)

Lisa is of the first macs. It was all that was out back then…No windows. It was basically just a square monitor and every thing is integrated 51/4 floppy…Real peculiar looking machine. But it was my first.

well the first comp that i can remember was and old i think DOS laptop…my dad got it for work…but the company did really know how to use it so it got little-some work…cant remember though…it may have been taht windows 3.1 or what ever but i dont know…i was so young. but my first dtop was a 95 win 95 HP…loved it, spring keyboard as well…this is the first comp i have ever typed code in though…love it to death…2000 win XP…i just love it…

no takers???..Well to the box of junk with you!

I wish I had heard this 2 weeks ago, before I just paid $100 for my Graphire2…

I’m like super broke right now… otherwise… nice tablet…


If LISA is old skool then I must be an antique, LOL. My first programming course used a DEC PDP-11 and 10" floppies.

Where’s my cane? =)

*Originally posted by 3d-iva *
…you must a member of the old skool if you know about lisa…

buy your own cane you geezer!! :elderly: :elderly: :elderly: lol…10` floppies…haha…hahaha… :-\ …hahahaha…:wink: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

you are old…

today it’s [SIZE=3]Lark[/SIZE] scooters…

[SIZE=1]I won’t mention my first modem was a black box with 2 big rubber cups for the handset of the phone…[/SIZE]


rev who is that bald guy in your avatar??

Arnold Judas Rimmer…

… after the bacteria ate all of his clothes and hair…

… recieving his punishment…


*Originally posted by reverendflash *
**Arnold Judas Rimmer…

… after the bacteria ate all of his clothes and hair…

… recieving his punishment…

Rev **

Rimmer…lmao…what punishment…(-:

by shaking hands with the Capt., he released the bacteria onto him, eating the Capt.'s clothes and hair…

I was laughing too hard to remember how much time he got…


i seriously have NO idea what your talking about…what capt…what bacteria…whats going on…

and why are you laughing, “phil” me in on the joke!!! :stunned:


go here

you will be enlightened…

I’m not sure if it is shown in The Great White North…

