Great site

don’t forget to look at the previous versions in the portfolio.

I think everyone on the web knows of this one

the more I see the less I am impressed :stuck_out_tongue:

**Off Topic…

:lol: randomagain I love that url “gotoandlearn”

[quote=redelite;2350157]**Off Topic…

:lol: randomagain I love that url “gotoandlearn”[/quote]

the content or the concept?

my blog of useful links :stuck_out_tongue:

are you leebrimelow ?

ya this site is cool.

Good site, i really like it specially pictures combination.

no, but I would like to pretend I was for a moment, if you may

goes off into dream world:stare:

2advanced is great, but over clicked

welll…but its 2advanced :smiley:

and lets not forget this is v5 and all the old versions were a huge success…
this is a hall of fame company :slight_smile:
hope one day i’m good enough to work in one…

well I challenge someone to make a website like theirs…

hell I will have a go :stuck_out_tongue:

(ignoring the fancy 3d graphics)

the earlier ones had impressive animations

They’ve been on version 5 since I was in college for my undergrad.