Great web site!

Especially if you are a fan of Zelda - take a look! There are some great wallpapers and screensavers to download as well :slight_smile:

yep, good site indeed…

Nice pictures and design. I like the borders, I like stuff like that.

well, I’m not a fan of Zelda, but I like it anyway.

already seen it sureshot (but that was obvious right?), i agree its great!!! have you seen the europe gameboy advance site - that really rocks! speaking of gameboys - i had my silver sp in my pocket with some coins and its really badly scratched - ****! its ok though cos ive put a nice big apple mac sticker on it!


you should be sent to Playstation Island for your demoliton of your Gameboy Advance SP - first you scratch the crap out of it (which I have heard is easy to do) and then you go and totally demorilize it with an APPLE sticker… looks down and shakes head

What I am i going to do with you…