Hey everyone, i’m sure your all familiar wth newgrounds , and well while exploring the site, I notice a new #1 flash… It’s called Punk-o-matic! What you do is you make your own songs with the drums,bass and electric guitar!!! It’s so neat, and you can make real masterpeice’s with it! Here’s the link!
And here’s the song i created! Just click load and paste this all!
You guys have to hear this song i made on Punk-O-Matic!
I spent two almost ful days on it! Link is on top!
Just paste this all in load and listen! thx +_+
*Originally posted by mdipi.com *
**i cant copy and paste it in there **
it took me a while to figure it out too. What you have to do is click on load, then without clicking on any of the slots copy and paste the code, you won’t be able to see it all but if you use your cursor and sroll back it will all be there. Then you just click ok and hit play.