I am the president of my fraternity at the University of Arizona and I decided to find a web designer to re-design a web site for us. Willing to pay well over $1,000 to a good designer that has a good portfolio. I am curious to if anyone knows a good design person or company that will do an organization web site. Either in full flash with php abilities or php front end and back end with really amazing designing skills to make up for lack of flash. Links would be greatly appreciated. We are an organization so we pay well and you will get recognition. I would have posted this in the Job Section but I need examples first so that I know what I’m looking for.
Old Version Blows: http://www.uaka.com
Email: president@uaka.com
Again, I’m not using this as a job network in Random. Just figure more people will get to see it and many users are in college and in organizations. This will help me see what is out there. I searched google and all of the Greek web sites were horrible.