Ok, I got the urge to see what my stuff would look like I were to ever format it for print. It is a very good bet, though, that Green: Wicked Wicked Ways will never see print just because it is not designed for the printed page. It is designed for the computer screen and for use in Flash and print just does not do the pacing justice. Anyway here is the “first page” of episode 4 that I am working on now. Lemme know what you think. Of course some sound fx are not in and niether is the dialoge.
The more I look at this page formatted for print the more I am starting to dig it so who knows Green could be printed one day. To solve some pacing issues that the music and flash fix on the internet, I would have to add some new panels and such, but who knows it could be done. Not any time soon though that is for sure.