Hi guys im making an flash app which sorts images into various arrangements but im having trouble getting the grid arrangement to sort properly and display the images in a proper grid arrangment. Some images get sorted and aligned in the grid arrangement but others dont…
here is the code maybe someone can help me.
private function gridPhotos(e:Event):void
//Tweener.addTween(spr2, {scaleX: targetScale, scaleY: 5.0, rotation:180, time:1.0, transition:"easeinoutquad"});
const gap:int = 15; // horizental and vertical gap
var rowWidth:int = gap; // current row width
var rowBaseline:int = gap; // baseline of current row
var rowHeight:int = gap; // height of the tallest child in current row
var n:int = photos.numChildren;
for(var i:int = 0; i<n; i++)
minX = -500, maxX = 2700;
minY = -450, maxY = 2000;
var child:DisplayObject = photos.getChildAt(i);
if(child is Shape) continue; // void its 'clickgrabber'
if(child is Wrapper) continue;
var bounds:Rectangle = child.getBounds(photos);
var selfBounds:Rectangle = child.getBounds(child);
var xOff:Number = selfBounds.x * child.scaleX;
var yOff:Number = selfBounds.y * child.scaleY;
if(bounds.height > rowHeight) rowHeight = bounds.height;
var targetX:int = rowWidth-xOff+minX;
var targetY:int = rowBaseline-yOff+minY;
var targetRotation:int = 0;
//var targetRotation:int = photos.rotation;
var targetScale:Number = 0.08;
rowWidth += bounds.width + gap;
if(rowWidth > maxX) // need to start a new row
rowWidth = gap;
rowBaseline += rowHeight + gap;
rowHeight = gap;
targetX = rowWidth-xOff;
targetY = rowBaseline-yOff;
Tweener.addTween(child, {scaleX: targetScale, scaleY: targetScale, rotation:targetRotation, x:targetX, y:targetY, time:0.65, transition:"easeinoutquad"});
Thanks in advance