i came up with the idea in science class and made it when i got home. just look, its not really useful in any way, like all of my source codes, but its just cool to watch and play around with. im not going to post the .swf because the fun of this code is adjusting it, which you need to use flash to do. when im done with my homework, ill make a version which is adjustable in the swf.
X = 0;
Y = 0;
xsource = 0;
//adjust xsource to adjust the xaxis point of the grid
ysource = 350;
//adjust ysource to adjust the yaxis point of the grid
xspacing = 12.5;
//adjust xspacing to adjust the amount of space between lines in the grid, horizontally.
yspacing = 12.5;
//adjust yspacing to adjust the amount of space between lines in the grid, vertically.
_root.createEmptyMovieClip("l", 1);
l.lineStyle(1, 0x000000, 100);
onEnterFrame = function () {
if (Y<=ysource) {
l.moveTo(xsource, Y);
l.lineTo(X, ysource);
X += xspacing;
Y += yspacing;