
I am trying to make a Grid that is equal to the width and the height of the flash movie. I have a movieclip called box which is 30x30, and want it to repead along the x to form columns and along the y to form rows so that it makes a big rectangle of smaller squares. For some reason it looks like this:

Instead of:


Here is my code:

onLoad = function () {
	boxWidth = box._width;
	stageWidth = Stage.width;
	rows = stageWidth/boxWidth;
	trace("Number of Rows:");
	boxHeight = box._height;
	stageHeight = Stage.height;
	columns = stageHeight/boxHeight;
	trace("Number of Columns:");
	boxX = 0;
	boxY = 0;
	for (i=1; i<=columns; i++) {
		for (j=1; j<=rows; j++) {
			// Create and Orient MovieClips
			duplicateMovieClip(box, "boxC"+i+"R"+j, i+j);
			this["boxC"+i+"R"+j]._x = boxX;
			this["boxC"+i+"R"+j]._y = boxY;
			trace("Created Box Number");
			boxX += boxWidth-1;
		boxY += boxHeight-1;
		boxX = 0;

Any help would be greatly appreciated :slight_smile: