group94's approach to text and strings

I was looking to fined what makes group94 such a successful designer developer. My findings are their approach to text and strings are very detailed, much more then you will fined any where else. Yet the text and string effects are so suttle that you probably wouldn’t even notice how much technical engineering it would take to achieve such smooth effects. I believe that the text do not use a in line tween but, some heavily programed text and string class.

Any how feel free to call me a copy cat but, I think it's good practice to implement better text effects in my projects from now on. It's  probably the one area most designers fall short of or off target all together. So if any of you have any good string and text ideas or links PLEASE share them as it is kinda hard to find any out in the web as it is one of the most over looked assets to flash.

On a side note:
Today I think I may have found a bug in flash. when using a shape tween some text in other non nested movie clips giggle ever so slightly. I haven’t found the root to the problem but I think it has something to do with a function that checks if the stage is resizing.

var stageScale:Object = new Object();
stageScale.onResize = function() {
Stage.addListener( stageScale);

if I remove this function the problem stops. any thoughts?