Growing a box in Actionscript over time for XML Photo Gallery

Let me preface this post with saying that I am currently learning OOP and Actionscript so some of my logic might not be the best around, so any help is appreciated. Now on to the question…

I currently built an XML photo gallery using concepts from tutorials on this site and others. I accomplished loading images into a menu bar that scrolls and on clicking the thumbs you load the main image onto the stage. However, I wanted to add an aesthetic feature where there is a white box that frames the main photo and changes width and height over time to the size of the next image selected. Similar to the effect of this photo gallery:

My problem is that I can figure out how to make the box change to the size I want, but I can’t get it to do it over time. I tried to use setInterval method, but can’t get it to work. Can anyone help me figure this out, I have been wracking my brain for a while now.

Here is the code snippet of how I am changing the box size:

//Xbox_mc is an instance of a 100px X 100px box movieclip sitting on the root timeline.

//Define Variables

var ImageSizeW = 280;
var ImageSizeH = 365;

if (ImageSizeW < ImageSizeH) {

function GrowWthenH () {
for(i=Xbox_mc._width; i<= ImageSizeW-1; i++) {
_root.Xbox_mc._xscale ++;
if(Xbox_mc._height >= ImageSizeH){
Xbox_mc._height = ImageSizeH;
_root.Xbox_mc._yscale ++;

function GrowHthenW () {
for(i=Xbox_mc._height; i<= ImageSizeH-1; i++) {
_root.Xbox_mc._yscale ++;
if(Xbox_mc._width >= ImageSizeW){
Xbox_mc._width = ImageSizeW;
_root.Xbox_mc._xscale ++;
