Grunge Experiments

i went to the Adobe Studio Exchange and dl’d some brushes and now made a very contraverial grunge experiment!

ps. here is the link

Just made this in 5 min to try some new stuff. Iwas totalplaning to do something more than invert her but she just looks to ■■■■ sexy to mess up

Hope u like

Here is my first attempt at jubba. Only took about 15 min. I’m working on more. Hope u like it


Looks great Sintax. I’m wondering though what does that look like if you leave the eyes? Instead of that white, its too much contrast for the overall feel…

I don’t know? it’s just a mask so it wouldn’t be hard to put the eys back in. I might change the color to that red. I’ll tinker around with it when I get off work.

how did you make her blue? just diff clouds?

It is just inverted. The color just happend to be blue. Luck is all it is

lol well sexy isnt the word! lol very good job!

i did this in no time flat for a bb forum battle.

Wow all you guys, you have some pretty sick stuff going on there. When I finish my client site, I think I will try to do some grunge stuff. I’ve never experienced brushes not in PS, so I’m looking forward to it. When I’ve done a couple, I’d love to battle someone!


well me and lost will be having an open battle when/if he accepts,welcome to join! and i think that image i did sucks! lol all the otherones are better.

OK, silly question: what the hell is a brush? [SIZE=1]in PS, of course.[/SIZE] :beam:

If u are using your Brush or Air Brush tool u can select your brush size and type. U can also make or download custom beushes. They are usally scans of pictures or ransom items that make a cool effet when used. If u go ro Adobe Exchange of to doe a search for PS brushes u should be able to find some. Then juts put the new set of brushes in your Adobe>PS>Presets>Brushes folder. Then when u have your brush tool selected go to the brush selection menu above. Click the flyout arrow and go to load brushes. Find yuor new brushes select it then click "append in the warning box that comes up. Then u can use the brushes to make all sorts of cool PS effects.

PS: If u acedently don’t click append you will lose your origonal brushes. To get these back just click the flyout arrow and select “reset brushes”:slight_smile:


I´ve just looked this thread through and i thought all of the images were awesom!!! :slight_smile:
I gave it a try myself but i dont know if it qualifies as grunge…
Here is what i made
I made on an old image that i made ages ago…it looks like this

Hey ppl!..long time no see…

You’re saying that it is so easy to create those images, and i would like to know how, if u have a tutorial or something, cuz i can make that kind of stuff but it will take me forever to make them…:-/

Here’s the very first I made about 6 months ago…pretty archaic though…it was a kind of essay, i actually won a prize for a series of images that included those…

if u explain me a bit i’m up for a challenge but i dare u to use self images… u will all have to go and take pictures to ur girlfriends and make them look sexy-grungy!

Oh and KIRUPA!!! : I sent u an email a couple of weeks ago!!!..I want to change my NICK…PLEASE!!!

thank u guys…i’ll be praying for ur replies…:elderly:

There really is nothing to it. Get your picture/s they way u want them then start throwing brushes onto the canvas. use lots of layers. Thats I’ll i can tel u.