Guitarists: Show us your axe!

And, fiery_RS, that’s a nice looking Les Paul. I had the pleasure of playing one for a night once…very nice, and yes, easy to play :smiley:

Hurr it is.

Very nice looking, xxviii…and yes very similar to mine…ok, so upload your mp3 now :stuck_out_tongue:

Haha, unlike the rest of you I’m terrible at the guitar, I’ve only had it for like 2 months and can only play like half of 4 or 5 songs… sad stuff, sad stuff.

Thanx :slight_smile: Its a beut… cost me £300… I’ve played guitars worth twice as much and I always go back to that one…

Thanx :slight_smile: Its a beut… cost me £300… I’ve played guitars worth twice as much and I always go back to that one…

Man, I was thinking about getting a Warlock Bcrich guitar for about 150 from a cousin from mine. Man those things are sick, and a Cry Baby pedal.

Used to have several guitars and bass layin round. This is the only one I have left:

Built it when I was 18 and keep it around for sentimental reasons. It still plays great despite being launched through several sheetrock walls.

Whoa that is nice! How long did that take you to build?

and there it is - Ibanez RG 150. It’s pretty awesome. It’s also pretty hard to find.

I would recommend going to if you have a crazy idea that isnt an engineers nightmare they will make it for you. Prices aren’t too bad. Im working on a fender jaguar (left handed) piece at the moment. It has cost me just over $320 thats £240ish in real money. If you dont mind creating something or even having something totally unique then go 4 it. Bloody cheap. Why spend in excess of £3500 for a fender Jaguar when you can make one up and slap on a couple bits of fender logo here and there for less than £500.

here’s a pic of my fender strat.

It’s in much worse condition now.

thanks grinch

for those who dont know, Kameleon is actually auto paint
i bought it at auto zone or something…it’ll really give your guitar/bass an original look

oh BTW for all the guitarist out there who read tablature, visit it has an amazing program that literally plays the song, so you can hear it instead of just reading it. you can edit songs yourself or create your own. theres like 50 instruments, and you can play multiple tracks at a time (with the full version)

free trial is free, but it lacks some of the cool features
full version is $19 and has everything

check it out

@Russian beer
$100? I can’t even get a used guitar around here for under $300 :frowning:
/seriously pissed

EDIT: dizznamn blabj, how old are guys? and already recording own songs?

EDIT EDIT: same applies to fiery rockstar. everyone in your band is younger than me and I’m the youngest in my band. but you’re probably way better than my band and are already gigging. hell, I feel so intimidated.

/runs out of guitar thread

Dude Prit!!!
This app is awsome!!! I can’t believe they have one of these. I saw one before, but it sucked, thanks for that link :wink:

I personally like/use Guitar Pro. It’s a visual tabber that has several instruments. The tabs you can find for the program is usually very thorough:

(do a google for the program’s main website)

anyone know of any REEEALLY good free tab sites?
EDIT sorry for hijack… (I think that’s one, too lazy to chech)