Gun Shooting Simulator

[COLOR=red]I am trying to make a simple game (if u can even call it that) where a red dot follows your mouse, and when you left-click (shoot) it puts an image of a bullet hole where you clicked. I can make the red dot follow my mouse but i dont know how to leave graphics when i click. help![/COLOR]

do a quick search of the forums for “attachMovie” and then incorporate that with onClipEvent(MouseDown)

search the forums. I got 3+ pages of hits when I searched for attachMovie. That button at the top of the screen that says Search, in between HOME and ONLINE.

lol ya i noticed that about 5 min after i posted that reply, im obviusly newbie to this
thanks for your help lol

don’t let jubba see that post.

edit it quick

he’ll freak out on you. I swear. IXNAY EWBIENAY!