Hahah! trying to sell ME a gmail invite?

I just checked my old Hotmail address today and found this:

Hello there!

I was surfing the web and found your email address on www.emaculation.com/phpBB/viewtopic.php?t=2201.
I found you are looking for a gmail invite.
If you still need it, I would sell it to you.
You can pay on paypal. I want USD 8 for it.
If you want it, please send me an reply to eladoaccount.com

Quick Facts about gmail:

Cost: Free
Storage: 1,000 megabytes
Access: Free automatic forwarding and POP3 access

What a stooge! :trout:
Just though I’d share this with you :slight_smile:

[SIZE=1]What’s the point of this thread? Nothing…[/SIZE]