Hahahha strokemymouse

I just saw your signature. Made me laugh ; )


Yay :slight_smile:

Thanks for the mention Rofl

oh you changed it again?

awww :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

It changed every time the image is reloaded.

[quote=sekasi;2350437]oh you changed it again?

awww ;P[/quote]

Its dynamic.

Like Mine


You guys beat me too it :slight_smile:

Yea, its dynamic :slight_smile: even the background tehe

awww booo… :slight_smile:

Now im interested in what it was…

Was a ‘somewhat politically incorrect’ quote from yours truly. ; )

Aw c’mon, you have to tell us now.

I refreshed a few times and got: This was about as funny as HIV - sekasi.