Half an if statment?!?!?!?!

this ones odd…
i have a load of functions inside of a button on press action, but i only want to make them work the first time the buttons been pressed… so i add a variable and an if statement to the onRelease function… easy enough, cept for some reason it only get up to the first tween then does nothing. diddly squat. just kinda sits there and nothing else works cept for some of the button animations… heres the code fer one of the buttons:

home.onPress = function() {
if (_global.finished == true) { [COLOR=red]<----this is the statement thats giving the greif[/COLOR]
new Tween(cont_mc.cont, “_alpha”, Regular.easeOut, 100, 0, 12, false);
away = setInterval(awayer, 700); [COLOR=red]<-------coz it doesn’t get past here[/COLOR]
closed = setInterval(closer, 10);
function awayer() {
if (cont_mc.cont._alpha<=0) {
new Tween(cont_mc, “_yscale”, Regular.easeOut, 100, 0, 12, false);
function closer() {
if (cont_mc._yscale<=0) {
services.enabled = true;
prices.enabled = true;
example.enabled = true;
test.enabled = true;
home.enabled = false;
_global.finished = false;

there are a few other bugs i am aware of but right now i’m only really intrested in this if thing, however any thoughts would be appriciated highly.