<a href=“http://www.gamespot.com/pc/action/halflife2/preview_6026488.html”>YOU HAVE G0T TO READ THIS!!!</a>
I can’t wait til it’s gonna be out!!!
omg omg omg omg omg omg omg!!!
O man this game will ROCK !!!
you are going to buy it right away right ?
I must get a good pc soon ! LOL !
I’m not sure! Have to get a better pc from somewhere first me thinks!
I just KNOW my pc won’t be able to run this…
what do you recon the graphics card specs this game will run on? 64mb, 128mb? more?
thinks - can i justify spending a silly amount of money on a new card for this game?
of course i can. but i’ll have to sell a kidney
hehe an excuse to ditch this **** nvidea gforce 2 32mb
It better run on the Radeon Mobility cards!
They say it runs fine on a 700MHz Pentium III with a TNT graphics card. :-\
? is that nonsense or bulls…t?
I guess it’s gonna run on my Radeon8500 DV All in a Wonder or something like that.
Anyways. I would like to know whether they develop cs for hl2, or better, when it will be released hrhrhrhr
lol i am getting a new PC for this