Well, they’re not making one (yet) but I think they should. For nerdy appeal it should just be some really dorky math symbol, you know the way Half Life 2 is symbolized by (lambda)^2. Like maybe (lambda)^2i (as in i the imaginary number sqrt(-1)).
But I digress - wouldn’t a Half Life 2 movie be freaking amazing?
I know that showing Freeman’s face is taboo, so maybe the movie could focus on a new physicist in a city other than City 17, that escapes on the underground network and finds a resistance base. Maybe than the physicists could come up with a plot to nuke the combine homeworld or something (don’t just write that off as corny or unsophisticated. I was surprised at the end of Half Life 2 that the resistance didn’t try to get White Forest or someone to lob some nuclear missiles through the portal before destroying it. Nukes are the most powerful weapons we have).
I also would like to see Dr. Breen come back… Perhaps he made an “immorality” pact with the Combine where they’d give him the ability to move to an indefinite number of host bodies in exchange for his subservience. Besides, Breencasts were awesome.
I think, if they only show Freeman at the end, and have it about the resisitance, it could be half-decent, but to be honest only 1/10 video-game films are good, if that!
I don’t know what one would write the movie about… there is a lot to write about. Its not like bioshock which could be described in a simple intro with that voice in the game. Half Life has a lot of information that it has to describe in its plot, and isn’t always that strait forward.
And yea, having Freemans face everywhere wouldn’t work that great I don’t think.
Most video games have storylines that couldn’t be transformed into a movie. Half-Life 2 does tho, as there is so much to the story line. Would make a great action/adventure movie. Kinda like a futuristic Indian Jones.
It would be pure awesomeness. I’d just hope that an indie company made it, so it didn’t end up being a total abortion like some the later ‘Resident Evil’ flicks (that didn’t seem to have a whole hell of a lot to do with the RE games).
[quote=travis;2324817]If they made a Half Life movie Hugh Laurie should play Freeman…
This pic was on digg a while back[/quote]Yea, the first time I saw that image I was amazed how perfect he would be as Freeman. He is a perfect actor (kind of like how robert jr. was perfect for tony stark.