YAY!!! (-:

Happy birthday man, I hope you enjoy(ed) your day! I hope you let us know what you received for your birthday, probably a pre-order of studio mx 2004 right?.. right?.. yeah I know i’m right (right?)… hehe.

Well, thanks for all the help you have given me with PHP and Flash, I can’t believe I learned so much from someone so young, I will have to destroy you and take your brain when you reach your prime :bad:

Well, I will stop my psycho-babble now, oh yeah and…


Happy birthday, sorry so little time, couldn’t write much or make it look cool. On the run gotta go! :frowning:

<marquee scrollamount=8><h1>Happy Birthday Ahmed! </h1></marquee>

ya happy bday mang

[size=20]Happy Birthday[/size]

HaPpY bIrThDaY aHmEd!


Happy 16th! :love:


to young but old AHMED :P:P
[SIZE=8]H@þþý ß¡R†hÐå¥[/SIZE] :beam:

thanks for the help. stay cool! :thumb:
God bless!


[color=ahmed_notpurple][SIZE=7]HAPPY BIRTHDAY AHMED!!![/SIZE][/color]

i think you guys may be a little late, look when the thread was started :wink:

rev/phil - I split both of your posts into this thread: http://www.kirupaforum.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=38513 :bad:

Happy Birthday Ahmed…

You’re going to start noticing some changes in your body. This is perfectly normal. Do not Panic! For more information on unusual growths and sudden testicular pain, consult Phil Jayhan.

I kill me.

Happy Birthday, man.

lmao… thanks monty, my B-day was back in sept. 5th, phil’s bumped the thread lol… thanks anyways :smiley:

Happy 17th! Thought I’d get in early!

Gah! Curses. Well Happy Birthday again then :ub: Cool sig skinny_t. My AIM buddy icon is:

haha, cool. Yeah I was workin on a zelda game for a while. Too big to post up though. Otherwise I’d show you

Phil has a birthday thread fetish :sure: